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During this coronavirus crisis, it is highly essential to boost your immune system while living in home quarantine. The immune system protects our bodies from pathogenic attacks (bacteria, viruses, or other microbes) and limits the damage from noninfectious agents (cancer, sunburn, tumor, etc.). It is an orchestral synchronization of our body. An orchestra runs under a master’s direction. All the musicians need to come and perform together for syncing the tune and the instruments. The immune system also functions in a similar pattern. 

All the defense systems work in complementary to each other to fight all unwanted agents in our bodies. To be sound and healthy, we need to keep our immune system secure. Here are some useful tips to boost your immune system.   

Eat healthily! Drink Water!  

Balanced diet
A balanced diet can help you boost your immune system

Since you are in-home quarantine, it is crucial to maintain a balanced diet. To keep your immune system functioning correctly, you need to eat foods containing micronutrients like vitamins A, C, E, B6, and B12, zinc, iron, copper. Each of these nutrients plays a unique and significant role in supporting immune functions. A deficiency of vitamin C increases the chance of infection. Since our bodies cannot produce these water-soluble and essential vitamins, we need to absorb these through food. Another vital diet element is protein. The amino acids inside the protein build-up and boost your immune system. 

All kinds of green vegetables, citrus fruits, and dairy products contain all these. So eat healthily, stay safe, stay at home. And yes, don’t forget to drink plenty of water every day. 60% of our body is composed of water. So, you need to drink fresh water every day. 

Say no to stress! Stay active and calm.

Stress can hamper your immune system function

The proper functioning of our immune system requires our psychological well being. Because long-term chronic stress or depression leads to the release of elevated levels of cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid hormone and beneficial for short term stress. But an excess of cortisol blocks our immune system from responding to other body dynamics before the stressful event is over. This is a potential threat and leaves us exposed to picking up different pathogens and diseases.

During quarantine, stress can increase rapidly. Therefore it is necessary to know how to take care of our mental health during the quarantine period. To release stress, start staying active and follow a routine. Meditate, limit media consumption, do physical activities, start focusing on the positives, keep connected virtually with your friends and family. Do the daily chores, read books, take a break, and stop connecting puzzles through negative thoughts. This is how your immune system will function very well. 

Go get some sleep! 

Sleep at least 7 hours a day

Sleep reboots your immune system. Your body starts healing, and a process of regeneration begins while you sleep. A healthy immune response has no alternative to sleeping. During sleep, your body produces and disseminates T-cells (a type of white blood cell which works as the immune system regulator), Cytokines (a protein which is responsible for inflammation), and Interleukin-12 (a kind of pro-inflammatory cytokine). Without the proper function of these cells, the immune system collapses, and your entire body gradually becomes vulnerable to fatal diseases. Research says that healthy people with insomnia are more susceptible to viral flu even after vaccination. Sleep deprivation also increases cortisol levels. Therefore, to ensure quality sleep, we need to maintain good sleep hygiene. Stay away from your electronic devices a couple of hours before you sleep. Drink enough water before going to bed. Avoid any activities that might hamper your mental peace. 

No time to be idle. Work Out and Stay Fit. 

Working out
Work out at home and set up some light gym equipment

Being active doesn’t mean you only do your office activities by “working from home.” Take small breaks to do some physical exercises. There are many freehand exercises that you can begin to stay fit. Working out helps the antibodies and white blood cells to circulate rapidly throughout your body. People who work out at least five days a week have lower chances of getting affected by viral or bacterial diseases. Hence, maintaining your fitness will help your immune system become more vigilant.

Self-control can boost your immunity 

Your positive attitude can make you healthy

It is highly problematic if you have bad habits like the regular use of tobacco-related products. Start building your self-control and change your practices. Smoking cigarettes can directly interfere with the function and growth of the body’s immune cells, like T cells, B cells, and cytokines. If you are a patient of asthma, diabetes, or heart disease, keep these chronic conditions strictly under control. Take your prescribed medicines regularly. On top of medications, healthy habits can help you fight those diseases. Management of your chronic conditions can help you free up more reserves for immune cells. 

Start to boost your immune system from now. Start working on it. Your time in quarantine is a great opportunity for you to change your routine and grow good habits. Coronavirus is not a thing to panic over. Your healthy habits can help you fight it. Have any suggestions? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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