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There’s no doubt that houseplants have a lot of benefits to offer. And if you live in a city, those perks become more important than ever. From purifying air to moisture control, every plant provides a host of benefits that help us live a healthy life. Along with all these perks, having some indoor plants is also the only way to adorn your home with nature. So this brings up the question of which houseplant to get for your apartment. As such, let’s take a look at some of the best indoor plants you can get right here in Bangladesh.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the popular indoor plants in Bangladesh
Popularity of Aloe Vera is rapidly on the rise

The Aloe Vera plant is a well-known plant in Bangladesh that offers a wide range of benefits. Its healing properties, along with a unique look, make it one of the best indoor plants for apartments. The gel extracted from Aloe Vera is full of valuable bioactive compounds that are widely used for their medicinal properties. It is often used to soothe skin burns and cuts as well as canker sores. People also apply the gel on their scalp to prevent hair-fall. For these reasons and many more, Aloe Vera plants in apartments are becoming more common nowadays. Growing Aloe Vera is not difficult since you can use their leaves as ‘cutting’ to grow new sprouts. You just need to water them regularly to ensure they develop nicely. However, they grow better when there’s ample sunlight.

Snake Plant

Houseplants like snake plants provide great benefits
Most people prize Snake Plants for their aesthetic value

While growing up, the sight of a long-leafed plant with unique patterns on it wasn’t uncommon. They are so common as home decor items that you are sure to stumble upon them sooner or later. And whether you saw them at someone’s apartment or your own home, you couldn’t help but appreciate their uniqueness. The plant, resembling a sword or snake, is commonly known as Snake Plant. They are perfect for home and office decorations and add a touch of elegance to the place. Even though most people get Snake Plants for their grace, the plants excel at regulating oxygen. Whereas most plants only release oxygen during the day, Snake Plants do it 24/7; meaning more oxygen, and improved respiration.


As far as small indoor plants go, Cactus have a wide appeal for their tenacity to survive
As far as small indoor plants go, Cactus has a wide appeal for their tenacity to survive

Speaking of easy to take care of; no other plant is easier to take care of than the Cactus. They are famed for their ability to survive with little to no attention; a characteristic that makes them one of the best indoor plants for many. This prickly plant needs to be watered only once a week and doesn’t require direct sunlight to survive. As for its benefits, Cactus plants are quite effective at controlling the humidity of your home. They absorb moisture from the air for nourishment; which in turn affects the temperature of the apartment. And since several species of Cactus can grow side by side on a single pot, you can get a beautiful assortment of colorful plants.

Rubber Plant

Rubber plants are one of the best indoor plants for inexperienced gardeners
Rubber Plant’s don’t require much care to develop

The Rubber Plant is often regarded as one of the best natural air purifiers and one of the best indoor plants. It has an extraordinary ability to improve air quality by absorbing bacteria and mold spores along with airborne contaminants. Their large leaves absorb harmful microbes and break them down to neutralize them. As much as 50-60% of mold and bacteria can be removed from a room with just a few Rubber Plants. The plants also require very little care; making it a favorite for inexperienced gardeners. Rubber Plants thrive even in low-sunlight and require only a small amount of water. Both of these features make Rubber Plants ideal houseplant for many. A good time to get Rubber Plants is when you buy an apartment and move into a new place. The plants help to clear out a lot of the dust and microbes in the air caused from shifting apartments.

Bonsai Tree

Bonsai tree's are one of the popular houseplants
Taking care of Bonsai Tree’s can be difficult, but very rewarding

There are very few plants that can match the beauty and grace of a Bonsai Tree. The plant symbolizes harmony, inner strength, balance, love, wisdom, and peaceful energy. While universally adored, most people refrain from getting one due to the lengths you would have to go to take care of a Bonsai Tree. You need great patience, a gentle hand, and lots of hard work. The payoff, however, is more than worth it. You get a mesmerizing tree that can sweep away the viewer in an instant and a hobby that will help you grow as a person. Even many specialists encourage people to take up Bonsai Tree gardening as a way to relieve stress.

We, humans, have a strong connection with nature. The presence of green plants has a profound impact on our physical and psychological being for which we keep indoor plants in our homes. And since there are quite a few benefits to having houseplants, you can never go wrong by getting a few.

Which houseplants do you have in your apartment? Let us know in the comments section below.

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