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We spend so much time in the kitchen that it can be considered the heart of our home. However as time goes by the kitchen can begin to look dreary. Giving it a makeover can improve the atmosphere of your kitchen and make your time spent in it more pleasant. Here are a few simple ways to can make the most essential room a more functional and enjoyable room to spend time in.

Innovative organization

Decluttering and reorganizing the kitchen is a good start. Not only will it make things easier to find but also make the room more spacious.

Instead of piling cutlery up in a drawer or a divider, give each item its own compartments. Get Tupperware boxes and label them with what is inside, to make everything easier to find. For pots and pans, or measuring cups, hang them inside a cupboard or above the sink to create more space on your worktops. This sort of creative attention to detail can be a treat to the eye.

Labeling is not limited to cutlery. Re-organize your pantry jars, labeling them for your own convenience. If you are not tight on budget, you can consider magnetic jar holders or a magnetic knife rack for your knife sets.

You can always have new cabinets or shelf liners installed, even in the corner of your kitchen, for a fresh look. Make the best of the space you have. Why not install a modern dish rack for a minimalist, tidy approach?

Upgrade the lighting

The last thing you want is an aging or dull lighting system; the gloomy setting will be a torture to the eyes and make it difficult to cook. A bright, happy atmosphere is a great place to work in and can increase task efficiency. Install innovative hanging lights over your kitchen counter or place spotlights under the cabinet for additional, targeted lighting. These upgrades are not very expensive and will make you enjoy the art of cooking more.

A touch of decoration

Create a cool contrast between your kitchen fittings and floor. Ceiling wallpapers can also add depth and liveliness – and the best part is they are easily replaceable and come at an affordable rate. Lastly, choose something that really cheers up the room. This does not need to cost much money, or take up too much time.  Instead, place a plant or a flower vase by your counter or kitchen window. Another option would be a set of scented candles or a fruit bowl with a mixture of fresh fruits!

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