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Everyone has a dream of owning a house. Be it compact or spacious, simple or luxurious, there is nothing quite like the feeling of making your dream of building a house a reality. However, constructing a house isn’t all that easy. From the very beginning of the process until the end, there seems to be no sense of relief. You have to work tirelessly to make it happen. And then there are also some legal issues as well, which you must tackle even before the construction begins. While some people are familiar with these legal steps, others are not. So to make the entire process of building a home easier, we have compiled a list of all the legal steps necessary for house construction that you need to follow.

Building Plan

Architectural Design
Design plan must be carried out by an IAB-certified architect

Getting the building plan or the architectural design of your building approved is one of the most important legal steps before house construction. You can’t move forward with the construction without the approval of the building plan. For this to be approved, if the land falls under a city corporation, you will have to obtain a clearance from the “Design Approval Department” of your city corporation.

If it is within RAJUK, you have to get clearance from the same department as mentioned before. And for lands outside RAJUK or city corporations, you will have to get permission from the district office, upazila office, and union office. Depending on the location, you may have to go to different offices but the department remains the same. Also, it is important to note that your building’s architectural design plan must be carried out by an IAB-certified architect. This is a very important factor when it comes to getting that clearance.


construction work
The plan will include the load capacity of the foundation

Just like getting your building plan approved, getting clearance for the foundation also falls amongst the most important legal steps necessary for house construction. There are two types of foundation: 

  1. Deep Foundation
  2. Shallow Foundation

No matter which one you pick, before the construction, you will have to obtain a clearance from the “Design Approval Department” of the relevant office. The plan will include the load capacity of the foundation, how many storeys you can build according to the plan, and other relevant information about the building. But unlike the building plan where the plan must be carried out by an IAB-registered architect, your foundation plan has to be carried out by an IEB-registered engineer. Otherwise, the foundation plan will be rejected.

Height of your building

building with many windows
Height of the building depends on the road nearing the structure

According to building construction regulations, the height of the building depends on a couple of factors such as the area of the land according to the floor area ratio (FAR), breadth of the road nearing the building, so on and so forth. And for the approval, you will have to get the clearance from the “Civil Aviation Authority”. Usually, the height of the building depends on the road bordering the building. If the breadth of the road exceeds 60 feet, according to the FAR, you can construct buildings with any height. Again, you will have to fetch the clearance from the “Design Approval Department”. If you are building a house near an airport, you will have to take permission from the “Civil Aviation Authority” as well.

Utility Connection

electricity pillar
Get your paperwork ready before the construction

It will be easier for you to get all the clearances if you know what to do and where to go for the utility connection of your building. Before the construction, get the paperwork ready for all the utility services so that during the construction, you don’t have to get into any trouble. To get the electricity connection, you have to submit the application to PDB, DESA, DESCO, DPDC, or Palli Bidyut, depending on where you live. For water supply, you have to submit your application to WASA. Apply to Titas or the Ministry of Energy for gas supply. If your property falls under RAJUK, you have to obtain the occupancy permit as well.

It may seem simple but the process of constructing a house is an arduous task. You have to tackle all these legal steps necessary for house construction. Authenticating the ownership of the property is another hurdle that you have to overcome if you want to avoid forgery during land purchase. Also, there are lots of fees and charges associated with every land purchase that you should be aware of. And then there is the concern about the cost of building the house itself. That is exactly why a little bit of know-how is essential before you set forth with any kind of property dealing or construction.

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