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Homes have the breeding ground for germs to lurk in. Even after cleaning every nook and cranny of a home, germ-ridden places will remain somehow. Everyone tries to keep things clean as much as possible and still end up with mold, germs, different kinds of bacterias. Avoiding them is really inevitable, but you can still remain cautious and try to minimize the chances of having some of the germiest places of your home. In order to enlighten you more on this issue, we have come up with this blog.

Kitchen Sink

Germs are mostly formed in the kitchen sink

Kitchen sink is one of the germiest places of your home. According to research, the kitchen sink holds more germs than a washroom. As surprising as it may seem, it is true for almost all the homes out there. Kitchen sink is the place where all sorts of utensils and raw foods are washed. Moreover, the food particles which get washed away eventually find their way to the formation of harmful bacterias like e.coli and salmonella. Sanitization of the sink using bleach solution at least once a month can save you from the nightmare. Make sure to properly rinse the drain and disposal as well.

Toothbrush Holder 

Toothbrush Holder
Place toothbrush holder at a safe distance from the toilet seat

Washrooms are undoubtedly one of the germiest places of your home. And when it comes to the washroom, the toilet seat mostly gets the preference in terms of cleaning. Seldom we realize that the bacteria coming out of the toilet flush manages to land on the surfaces of the entire washroom including the toothbrush holder. In case if your toothbrush is placed near the toilet, the chances of being contaminated from the harmful bacterias is really high. Cleaning your teeth everyday is a crucial part of your hygiene practice. Thus in order to ensure the tools with which you are cleaning yourself are also germ-free, try to place your toothbrush holder at a considerable distance from the toilet seat.  

Remote Control

Remote Control
Frequent usage creates more bacteria in a remote control

You probably do not have the count of how many times you touch your remote per day. Right? That’s quite normal, but the fact that the frequent usage of this device automatically turns into a favorable place for germs and bacterias is not. Apart from touching the remote control, you have also dropped it several times, or coughed or even sneezed on it. As a result, the device all of you love to take control of, then turns into one of the germiest places of your home. Nonetheless, if you are someone who loves to maintain a healthy life, try to wipe your remote control over the surface every once in a while mixing bleach with a wet piece of cloth. 

Cell Phone

Cell phones are home to hundreds of bacteria

Cell phones have literally surpassed the level of necessity and have reached a point of severe addiction. Many of you might also have the unhealthy habit of keeping your phones with you while entering the washroom. The frequent texting, tweeting and hours of phone conversations lead to the birth of hundreds of bacteria on the devices, making it one of the germiest places of your home. In order to clean your germ-ridden phone, simply use a microfiber cloth and wipe it through the entire screen and phone cover at least once a week.

Pet Bowl

Bacterias are also found in the pet bowls

Those of you share your lives with a pet, will definitely not want to find them in an ill position. Right? Unfortunately, the objects or toys your pets are mostly fond of, happen to be the germiest places of your home. Even the bowls from where your pets have their daily meals are a major source of mold and yeast. Hence, ensure your pets are immune to the bacteria they are being surrounded with. Additionally, try to clean and disinfect the toys and bowls with soapy water or bleach solution on a frequent basis. 

No matter how hard you try, germs will find their way into your house. Instead of worrying it’s necessary to identify those germiest places of your home and come up with possible solutions. We did our share by highlighting some of the major germ breeding spots through this article. If you have any other options in mind, share those with us in the comment section below. 


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