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Gone are the days when women were perceived only as the symbol of beauty and only confined to gender-specific activities. Those days were long gone when the most celebrated litterateur used only their vivacity to create masterpieces. Women are now recognized for their capabilities. They are no longer bound to do what was once thought to be gender-specific and was imposed on them by society. Women are perfectly able to play any role that was previously thought to be made only for men. They are now going toe to toe with their male counterparts and proved to be even better than them. 

But in spite of all these changes, women are still lagging behind when it comes to accomplishment and leaving their footprints in different sectors. Real estate, for example, is one such sector where in spite of not having any law-bound restrictions, women are significantly less active when it comes to involvements. So what are the adversities for women in real estate? What are the things that drag them from achieving their goal? Is it all in the perspective? Or is it due to the age-old belief system that we have built over the years? And if there were no such adversities what would be the possibilities? In this article, we will discuss everything and try to shed light on some issues concerning why they are not being able to shine through.

Lack of proper knowledge

Lack of proper knowledge is one of the biggest hindrance

For anything to be accomplished successfully, you need proper knowledge. Lack of knowledge creates ignorance, it creates pointless fear that ultimately leads to failure. This seems to be the biggest problem not just for women but anyone who is interested in real estate. But what makes it more difficult for women, in particular, is the fear of losing. Most women in our country, especially in rural areas, don’t even know where to start when purchasing a property or land. They do not know where to invest and how to invest. They don’t know what to do if someone forcefully claims their property. They don’t know what legal documents are essential for ownership validation. And most importantly they do not know where to get help and financial support. That is why they do not want to associate themselves with property dealing.


Discrimination is still making things difficult for women

As we have mentioned earlier, lack of knowledge is one of the biggest barriers when it comes to women’s involvement in the sector. But why so? Why is it that they do not have the proper knowledge? The simplest answer might come as shocking but most of it has to do with discrimination. Now for a long time, women were subject to gender discrimination and were confined to stereotypical gender roles such as household chores, cooking, raising children, and so on. Although a lot has changed over the years, sadly in some parts of the country, especially in rural areas, the practice of gender inequality is still going on. As a result, women are getting deprived of gaining proper knowledge or are being ignored. For example, in most parts of our country, only men are seen to be involved in a property-related discussion in the family. As a result, women don’t even get the opportunity to learn or know anything about the property.

Courage to beat the invisible demon

While discrimination and lack of proper knowledge are making things difficult for women to hop on the real estate game, the development of reluctance and the lack of courage to take their own decision is making things worse. Dealing with real estate is an arduous job, to say the least, it is even more difficult for a woman to get through the hurdle. So they become reluctant and their lack of willingness to get involved in real estate turns out to be another big adversity for women in real estate.

Although making one’s own decision shouldn’t be something that needs to be discussed, in many developing countries such as Bangladesh, this is a real issue. In some parts of the country, women still don’t get to decide for themselves. A lot of it is because of the accumulated effect of the reasons that we discussed above. This is why they don’t get the courage to step up even when they are well capable of dealing with real estate.


Possibility is endless

While the story of adversity for women in real estate is long, the possibility for women in the real estate sector is endless. Many women are now interested in the real estate sector. They are investing their savings in this sector. They are making their own decision and things are changing. They are becoming more independent and are overcoming the obstacles. They are becoming more aware of their legal rights and legal issues of buying and selling their property. And the story of the successful women in real estate keeps increasing against all odds.

Overcoming the obstacles is now possible because the information is open to everyone. Information is now at hand for both men and women. So those who are conscious are no longer dependent. They know where to go, how to decide for themselves. And Bproparty is playing an important role in increasing the activism of women in the real sector. At Bproperty they are getting financial support, legal support, and other solutions for their property. The decision to buy or sell their property is also becoming easier with the advice of property experts. The dream of having a home is no longer limited to any particular gender. From dreaming to fulfilling dreams, women also have equal possession. Women are now learning to say it is “My House” instead of their father’s house or husband’s house.

If the adversities mentioned above can be tackled the real estate sector will no longer be an obstacle for women. Now is the time to move forward, now is the time to change. And the women are walking on that path.

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