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Every month when you receive the billing copy, have you wondered what did you do to incur this amount? Probably you can’t correctly remember why and in most cases you promise to limit the usage that ends up being broken anyway. Rings a bell, right? To be honest, everyone has been there at least once, except for the extra cautious few people. Yes, people who are super concerned about their bills will always be there no matter what. Perhaps, don’t feel bad; we have got your back. Either you own an apartment or renting it, these are some of the easy hacks to save money that you will fall in love with almost instantly.Don’t be surprised the next time the bill slips under your door.

Switch to LED Lights

LED light are easy hacks to save money
As  one of the easy hacks to save money, LED lights don’t cost much

Compared to incandescent or halogen lights, LEDs have a longer lifespan, and they are cost-effective. The main reason is, they can save up to 90% of the energy consumption than the regular lights you use. So, all you need to do is switch to LED lights and see the magic happen on its own. That doesn’t mean you have to replace all your lights at once. You can start with the ones that are being used the most.

Keep Your Fridge Full

refrigerator full of foods
A midnight snack can never be a bad option when you have a fridge full of food

Remember when your mom used to stop you from playing with the fridge door otherwise the food will go bad? Well, it is because refrigerators work in a way so that it can trap the heat inside and keep the storage at a certain temperature. The same thing will happen when you keep your fridge full as it will insulate all the gaps. Thus, the compressor will not consume much energy and will save you few extra bucks automatically.

Pro tip: Refrigerators work the best between 2 to 3-degree Celsius, and regular maintenance will control the energy consumption.

Laundry Wash hacks to save money

washing machine hacks are really useful for saving money
A washing machine usually consumes a lot of power but if you can smartly manage it, you will be benefitted

Did you know that most of the energy used by a laundry machine is spent on heating the water? So, turn the dial to cold and voila! Additionally, try using the device with full loads. By doing this, you will be able to reduce the washing frequency and save energy in the process. We have our Bengali tradition of using the sun drying process in our balcony or at the rooftop. You are already saving money over there.

Energy Efficient Appliances

induction stove
Your choice of appliance upgrade has a huge impact how much you will be able to save the bills

The last trick in the book is utilizing the power of technology. Maybe you are already using some of the energy efficient appliances, but we would suggest; if you could upgrade to the latest models. Usually, they are re-engineered to maximize this facility. So why would you waste your precious earned money if you really can use a new model and save a lot more? A smart decision would be planning the home decorations in a structured way that eases the process to install appliances anytime you want. Initiatives like such will save you a whole lot more than just the bills.

Lastly, follow the pre-set peak (17:00 hrs to 23:00 hrs) and off-peak (23:00 hrs to 05:00 hrs) time hours by the government. The difference in billing system in these two shifts will make a big impact on how much you will have to pay. All you have to do is be a little proactive and maintain the schedule the best you can.

With this easy hacks, hope you will be able to save a lot more this time!

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