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Markets of dhanmondi


Reading Time: 4 minutes The city of Dhaka is a widely diversified multi-cultural metropolitan space. With mesmerizing jaw-dropping colors of life, Dhaka is globally famous for some of its oldest shopping locations. Locals, as well as the Bangladeshis living abroad, visit these places for shopping on various special occasions and festivities. The multiplicity of prices, options, brands, and values of commodities attract people in general. The existence of some of these markets can be traced back to time immemorial; even before the birth of this country. Let us look around some of the oldest shopping locations in Dhaka.        Eastern plaza Located just beside the Hatirpool Bazar, Eastern Plaza stands in all the glory of being one of the oldest shopping complexes in Dhaka. This was the first-ever modern shopping mall established in Bangladesh during the 80s. Eastern Plaza has some of the most renowned local brand shops of sarees, shirting, as well as suiting.…

Reading Time: 4 minutes The reason why many items are referred to as ‘home essentials’ is because a home can feel incomplete without them. After you buy a flat, you need these objects to maintain an efficient household.. Sometimes, you need to periodically replace these home essential items when they become unusable. Luckily, finding home essentials in Dhaka isn’t very difficult. Many places in the city sell these items. However, there are particular areas or markets renowned for selling home essentials that attract people from all over Dhaka. Let’s take a quick look to see where you should go to find necessary home essential items. Electronics In this day and age, every home is filled with a variety of electronic items. Among other things, these items provide entertainment, help us to prepare food, and filter ourselves some clean water. Their usefulness has elevated them to the rank of home essentials. So it’s only natural…

Reading Time: 6 minutes Gulshan is one of the most prominent popular areas in Dhaka city. Now more than ever, having a flat in Gulshan is synonymous to luxury and sophistication. And buying an apartment in the area is something that many strive for as they progress through their lives. The entire Gulshan area is a very popular place to live, attracting people who are moving up in the world. So whether it’s the food, elegant homes, or one of the many hangout spots in the area that appeal to people, there’s no doubt that living in Gulshan has many perks. Today we’ll be looking at these perks that make Gulshan the best place to live in Dhaka. Luxurious Homes Gulshan is renowned for having luxurious and elegant homes. A great example of this is Niketan. There’s hardly a flat in Niketan, or any part of Gulshan for that matter, that isn’t above the…

Reading Time: 2 minutes Comfort. Convenience. Safety. Although we all have different preferences, all individuals instinctively want these things. And once you have made the decision of buying or renting a home, it brings you to your next important decision: Choosing the ideal location for your home. Prior to shifting, it is important to do a little research to know about different locations and find a suitable one. What is a “Comfortable” location? What might seem like a comfortable location for a home to you may not seem like one to another person and so, the definition of a ‘comfortable’ location is difficult to define. With preferences of different kinds of lifestyles and benefits associated in the area, comfort has different definitions for everyone. Some of us like to live amidst lush greenery, away from the hustle and bustle of the central city areas. On the other hand, some prefer the constant buzz, crowd and…