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When you look into their eyes, you have no choice but to melt. The desire to take them home and gobble them up is almost irresistible. You want to love them, pet them, feed them, train them; give them all of life’s possible comforts. But is your house ready for a pet? Do you need to be preparing your house for a cat? If the answer to that is yes, you’ve come to the right place.


cat in sofa
Sometimes they need protecting from themselves

The first thing you want to ensure is that the cat can not leave the house or be harmed. THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT. You have taken on a responsibility, so live up to it. In Dhaka, services to install nets at windows and balcony doors have become fairly available, so that is a great way to begin. No more escapes. Inside the house, you want to keep the place clear of sharp or poisonous objects and avoid leaving small inedible objects laying around that they can choke on.


cat head in bread
Eating is as important to them as to you

Cats can be picky about food. When preparing your house for a cat, know that no matter how much they pretend they are starving to death and that you are a villain for not feeding them, they need a fixed time-table. Find a suitable time for them and you, and stick to the schedule. Designate a particular spot of the house, preferably far from where they eat or potty, and maintain similar procedures when feeding them. They are curious, but can be somewhat creatures of habit nonetheless.


cat yawning
Best to avoid mistakes

Have a designated spot that they can go when nature calls. A litter box of adequate size for you small or large feline friend is almost a must. Teach them to go to these places after they are done eating, which is the most common time for them to go potty. If mistake happen, do not scold them. It solves nothing and it is our job to teach them. A neat trick many owners use is to clean up the mistake and leave a sample around where you want them to learn to go. They begin to associate the smell with the right location and begin going there. Cats are very smart and like to keep a clean living space. Preparing your house for a cat means helping them live pristine.


cat on floor
A little fun goes a long way

Do not be fooled by all the lazy cat jokes and images you see. They can be lazy, but they have incredibly energetic sessions. Preparing your house for a cat means providing them with the ability to play and run around. Be careful that they don’t break anything, because they can be destructive at these times. Give them toys or a specific place to run around. It’s good for their health as well as your sanity.


cat on piano
You don’t want valuables damaged!

On the note of sanity and safety, there are things you need to do for yourself. Cats are terribly curious and more often than not, it leads to the destruction of things. They will knock things over, scratch up all your good furniture, and not care one bit. Try to keep fragile things out of reach. Give them a scratching post for their nails.

Final thoughts

Having a cat is wonderful, if you have the right environment for it. Preparing your house for a cat is key to making having one an enjoyable experience for both of you. Feed them on time, love them, keep them safe, keep your house safe – and let nature run its course. So, if you’re planning on having a cat in the house, do it right.

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