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So, the month of Ramadan has arrived. Most of us take preparations before the arrival of this month. Several big changes will show up in our daily routine during this month. However, because of this Summer time, fasting becomes more difficult since the days are longer than usual. During the no-eating period, our body uses up stored carbohydrates and fat and uses them as the primary energy source. Therefore, it is important that we follow healthy eating habits. Hence, read below some of the best tips to staying healthy in Ramadan.

Healthy Sehri and Iftar

Stay healthy in Ramadan by avoiding oily foods
Staying healthy in Ramadan by avoiding oily foods

We should have all kinds of food for Sehri and Iftar. That is how we can enjoy fasting in a comfortable manner. Most of the time, we tend to jump into feasting right after we break our fasts. We end up consuming various kinds of food that in turn weakens our body. During Iftar and before Sehri, we end up eating different kinds of fried, greasy and sugary foods. A large amount of unhealthy food can increase our Cholesterol, Triglyceride and Gastronomic levels in our stomach which is what might slow us down during fasting days. It is possible to follow a proper dietary plan during the month of Ramadan. Hence, following these health tips might increase your health awareness.

Things you should eat during Sehri

Ramadan brings changes to our regular lifestyle
Ramadan brings changes to our regular lifestyle

The days are longer now which means we have to fast for a longer period of time. Our days start with Sehri. For Sheri, the list should include foods that are rich in Protein, Fiber, are well balanced and easily digestible. Along with that, we should drink a lot of water so that we remain hydrated the entire day. Thinking about food that is rich in Fiber? Foods containing  Fiber such as bread, nuts, vegetables, fruits, etc. are great options. Staying healthy in Ramadan is easy by mixing it up and keeping a well-balanced diet by including low-fat meat, milk and dairy products, eggs, etc.

Things you should avoid during Sehri

Stay fit and healthy by maintaining a balanced diet
Stay fit and healthy by maintaining a balanced diet

One of the best ways of staying healthy in Ramadan is to avoid consuming fried food, sugary treats, greasy food and too much tea or coffee during Sehri. Moreover, people who smoke on a regular basis tend to smoke too much after breaking their fasts. Try to break out of this habit and start at least 10-15 days before the arrival of Ramadan.

Things you should eat during Iftar

One of the best ways to stay healthy in Ramadan is to drink lots of water
One of the best ways to stay healthy in Ramadan is to drink lots of water

After fasting for the entire day, you should go for various kinds of seasonal fruity juice. It’s advised to consume Dates but not more than two or three because they contain high levels of Sucrose. Raw Gram is known for having Vitamin C. Hence, you could keep raw Gram in your Sehri diet. If you want, you could finish having your Iftar with a bowl full of soup made with mixed vegetables. Not only will soup make up for the lack of water but it will be good for your stomach and digestion. Along with that, having salads is a great option for Iftar. We tend to eat so many oily and greasy foods that we overlook our lack of vegetable consumption during Ramadan. Hence, you could compensate for that by having more salad. However, the most important thing is to have plenty of water. There really is no other alternative to water. Therefore, drink as much as you can.

Things you should avoid during Iftar

iftar table of food
One of the best healthy tips for Ramadan is to avoid excessive sugary foods

Even though we end up having fried food, it’s still best to avoid them. Because of oily foods, our Cholesterol count increases. Besides that, gastronomical problems increase and we end up staying lethargic throughout the day. Moreover, one of the best healthy tips for Ramadan is to avoid having coffee, tea and soda of any kind since Caffeine increases the amount of Salt and Minerals in our bodies which dehydrates us and makes us feel restless. Processed Carbonated beverages should definitely be avoided since they are high in Calories which is very harmful for our body. Food containing high amounts of sugar should be avoided since they cause excess fat and create physical complications. Diabetic people should be even more aware about what they are consuming. One of the ways of staying healthy in Ramadan is to drink room temperature water since drinking excessively cold water can cause digestive problems.

It’s safe to say that physical condition varies from person to person. Hence, if you’re suffering from any type of illness, consult a doctor before fasting. Hopefully, these tips will help you stay healthy during the month of Ramadan. If we  are missing something, make sure to let us know in the comment section below! We wish you all a happy, healthy Ramadan.

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