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Offices are completely personal depending on the nature, size, and identity of your business. No two offices are the same and each workplace has different needs to suit your employees and operations. There’s a clear connection between your office design and layout and bottom-line results. Your employees must remain motivated and have everything they need to work productively and efficiently. You need space for collaboration, privacy, and concentration – but the main principles of office design and layout remain the same. How you manage your space, the color of your interior, the efficiency of your technology, and the use of light. These principles all determine the functionality of your workspace and the productivity of your workforce. 

Space management

Space management
Space management is amongst the most important aspects of office design

It’s fair to say the biggest consideration when designing your office is space management. How your office is set out has a profound impact on the daily interactions of your employees. Most businesses have limited space to work with, so making the most of your square footage comes down to each element of your office serving a purpose. It’s often the case that you don’t need to add extensions or move to a larger space. Intelligent use of your current layout can reveal more space than you originally thought. Making a space management plan allows you to see the room you have available, how it’s currently being used and how you want it to perform in the future.

Here is a list of the best office spaces that you will find in Dhaka.

Color scheme & theme

color schemes
Color has a profound impact on office space

Colour may seem a lot less important than space management, but it’s one of the key principles of office design. Colour is proven to impact the quality of work and the mental health of your employees. Warm colors like red, orange, and yellow can make your staff feel comfortable, excited, or angry. Cool colors like blue, green, and tan can have a calming influence on your team members and tend to be the most popular palette in the workplace. Colors also have a physical impact on your workforce. Yellow and white are stark colors that can cause eyestrain and headaches so use them sparingly. Colors also have an impact on how your business is perceived by your customers and clients. Using pastel and whimsical colors in the office of an accounting firm might send a disconnected message to your clients. Furthermore, if used correctly, color can make a room spacious as well. 

Resource management

Resource management
When it comes to principles of office designs, resource management should be a top priority

Your employees need the right resources, equipment, and technology to do their jobs properly. Old systems can waste your team’s time when waiting for slow devices to load or for technicians to fix breakages. The use of updated technology should be implemented where possible to improve the productivity of your business’ general day-to-day activities. You may have to spend time training your staff to use the new technology but this is a worthy investment in the long-term. You should also use mobile technology where possible to encourage movement around your workplace. Your employees should be able to set up stations in quiet spaces, break-out rooms, or meeting rooms depending on their needs.

Here is a list of the best office spaces that you will find in Chattogram.


Lighting plays the most crucial role in making a space look or feel different

Light is amongst the critical principles of office design and layout. Working in a dark and dingy workplace does nothing for productivity or motivation. Maximizing natural light is a great way to improve the mood of your employees. Being exposed to daylight rather than harsh artificial light will help to reduce eye strain and headaches. Light can also make your space feel much larger than it actually is. You just have to use it efficiently. Here are some clever tips and tricks to maximize the efficiency of light. 

Paired with cool colors like green and blue can create a really calming atmosphere for your team. Even if this isn’t your desired look throughout the whole of your office, creating quiet rooms using this palette and lighting creates a moment of relaxation for your employees during their working day. Maximizing natural light will also help to reduce your energy consumption and save business costs.

There are many elements to think about when designing and laying out your office. Primarily, space management, color, technology, and lighting are the primary principles of office design, to begin with. Frame your workplace around these aspects of the workplace to ensure you have thought about everything within your space. Your office should improve the bottom line of your business and keep your workforce motivated, productive and efficient every day.

Here is a list of the best office spaces that you will find in Sylhet.

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